Volker Briken | Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Host cell manipulation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis | E-mail: vbriken@umd.edu

Kan Cao | Associate Professor and Interim Associate Chair | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Hutchinson Gilford progeria, telomere and cellular senescence, alternative splicing and human aging | E-mail: kcao@umd.edu

Charles Delwiche | Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Genomics and evolution of algae; early eukaryotic evolution | E-mail: delwiche@umd.edu

Evan Economo | Professor and Chair | Department of Entomology

Evolution of biodiversity, 3D imaging and computational morphology, phylogenomics, biodiversity informatics | E-mail: economo@umd.edu

Bill Fagan | Professor and Chair | Department of Biology

Spatial ecology and eco-informatics | E-mail: bfagan@umd.edu

Eric Haag | Professor and Director of Biological Sciences Graduate Program | Department of Biology

Evolutionary developmental biology, comparative genomics | E-mail: ehaag@umd.edu

David Hawthrone | Assiociate Professor |

Department of Entomology

Antony Jose | Associate Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

RNA-mediated regulation of gene expression across space and time | E-mail: amjose@umd.edu

Byung-Eun Kim | Associate Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Metal Metabolism in Health and Disease | E-mail: bekim@umd.edu

Carlos A. Machado | Professor | Department of Biology

Evolutionary Genomics | Email: machado@umd.edu

Erin Molloy | Assistant Professor | Department of Computer Science

Phylogenetic trees and networks; Multi-Species Coalescent (MSC) model; Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | E-mail: ekmolloy@umd.edu

John Moult | Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Computational modeling of biological systems | E-mail: jmoult@umd.edu

Maile Neel | Professor | Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture

Biological diversity | E-mail: mneel@umd.edu

Brian Pierce | Assistant Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research

Computational structural biology, protein design, immunology | E-mail: pierce@umd.edu

Tom E. Porter | Professor | Department of Aniimal and Avian Sciences

E-mail: teporter@umd.edu

Jiuzhou “John” Song | Associate Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Statistical genetics and computational epigenetic methods | E-mail: songj88@umd.edu

Lisa Taneyhill | Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Early embryonic patterning of the nervous system | E-mail: ltaney@umd.edu

Gerald Wilkinson |

Associate Dean and Professor | Department of Biology

Evolutionary genetics and behavioral ecology | E-mail: wilkinso@umd.edu

Yanjin Zhang | Associate Professor | Department of Veterinary Medicine

Molecular virology, virus-cell interactions, innate immunity, and vaccine development | E-mail: zhangyj@umd.edu

Daniel Butts

| Associate Professor

| Department of Biology

Systems neuroscience, neuromodulation in olfactory circuits | E-mail: dab@umd.edu (NTBF)

Michael Cummings | Professor | Department of Biology

Bioinformatics and computational biology | E-mail: mcummin1@umd.edu

Jonathan Dinman | Professor| Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Alternative readings of the genetic code | E-mail: dinman@umd.edu

Najib El-Sayed | Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Genomics, Bioinformatics, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Parasitology |

E-mail: elsayed@umd.edu

Megan Fritz | Assistant Professor | Department of Entomology

Insect evolution | E-mail: mfritz13@umd.edu

Brantley Hall | Assistant Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Bacterial genes underlying health-relevant functions of the gut microbiome | E-mail: brantley@umd.edu

Philip Johnson | Associate Professor | Department of Biology

Theoretical population genetics | E-mail: plfj@umd.edu

Jason D. Kahn | Professor | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Protein-DNA nanostructures; DNA flexibility and topology; hybridization thermodynamics | E-mail: jdkahn@umd.edu

Yanxin Liu | Assistant Professor | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Cryo-electron microscopy; molecular dynamics simulation; chaperone; protein folding; organelle protein import; cellular stress response | E-mail: yxliu@umd.edu

Kevin McIver | Professor and Interim Chair | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Gram-positive Bacterial pathogenesis, Host-Pathogen Interactions |

E-mail: kmciver@umd.edu

David Mosser | Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Macrophages and dendritic cells |

E-mail: dmosser@umd.edu

Steve Mount | Associate Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Bioinformatics and genomics, focusing on genetic information that specifies how messenger RNAs are processed | E-mail: smount@umd.edu

Robert Patro | Associate Professor | Department of Computer Science

Algorithms and theory, bioinformatics and computational biology, high performance and scientific computing | E-mail: rob@cs.umd.edu

Mihai Pop | Professsor | Department of Computer Science

Metagenomic data and application areas of societal relevance |

E-mail: mpop@umiacs.umd.edu

Mohamed (Moh) Salem | Associate Professor | Animal and Avian Sciences

Aquaculture Genomics, muscle biology | E-mail: mosalem@umd.edu

Daniel Stein | Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Neisseria gonorrhoeae biology | E-mail: dstein@umd.edu

Bhanu P. Telegu | Associate Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Reproductive,Stem Cell and Comparative Developmenta Biology, Genome editing | E-mail: btelegu@umd.edu

Alexander Xu | Assistant Professor | Department of Bioengineering

Cancer, immunotherapy, spatial omics, bioinformatics, predictive biomarkers, nanotechnology, single cell analysis | E-mail: alexmxu@umd.edu


Training with off-campus affiliate/adjunct faculty requires on-campus co-advisor.


Jay Chiorini | Senior Investigator | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | National Institutes of Health

AAV, Gene Therapy, Autoimmune disease | E-mail jchiorini@dir.nidcr.nih.gov


Sridhar Hannenhalli | Senior Investigator | National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Transcriptional regulation, single cell omics, cellular heterogeneity, cancer data science, evolution | E-mail: sridhar.hannenhalli@nih.gov

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Dan Larson | Senior Investigator | National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Transcription, splicing, single-molecule microscopy, RNA, stochastic gene expression, non-coding RNA, myeloid malignancy, post-transcriptional regulation | E-mail: dan.larson@nih.gov

Eytan Ruppin | Senior Investigator | National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Computational study of cancer, developing and studying new approaches for precision cancer treatment and immunotherapy | E-mail: eytan.ruppin@nih.gov

Arlin Stotzfus | Research Scientist | Biosystems & Biomaterials Division, Institute for Biotechnology & Bioscience Research (IBBR)

Evolution, mutation, phyloinformatics | E-mail: arlin@umd.edu

Romina Goldszmid |

Earl Stadtman Investigator |

Head, Inflammatory Cell Dynamics Section | Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology | Center for Cancer Research, NCI, NIH

Tumor immunology, innate immunity, microbiome, mononuclear phagocytes | E-mail E-mail: rgoldszmid@mail.nih.gov

Xiaofang Jiang | Principal Investigator | National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Institutes of Health

Genomics, microbe-host interactions | E-mail: xiaofang.jiang@nih.gov

Elissa Lei | Senior Investigator | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health

Chromatin organization and regulation of gene expression in Drosophila and mouse | E-mail: leielissa@niddk.nih.gov

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Cenk Sahinalp | Senior Investigator | Cancer Data Science Laboratory | National Cancer Institute | National Institutes of Health

Computational cancer genomics, single cell sequencing data analysis, algorithmic infrastructure for bioinformatics | E-mail: cenk.sahinalp@nih.gov


Emeriti Faculty can serve on committees but not serve as primary or co-mentor.

Lindley Darden | Research Professor | Department of Philosophy

Philosophy and history of biology; computational biology |

E-mail: darden@umd.edu

Rita Colwell | Distinguished University Professor | Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Global Infectious diseases, water and health | E-mail: rcolwell@umd.edu