Ricardo Araneda

| Professor

| Department of Biology

Systems neuroscience, neuromodulation in olfactory circuits | E-mail: raraneda@umd.edu

Melissa Caras

| Assistant Professor

| Department of Biology

Auditory Neuroscience | E-mail: mcaras@umd.edu

Catherine Carr

| Professor

| Department of Biology

Evolution of sound localization | E-mail: cecarr@umd.edu


Nikolas Francis | Assistant Professor | Department of Biology/Brain and Behavior Institute

Auditory and behavioral systems neuroscience | E-mail: cortex@umd.edu

Niranjana Krishnan | Assistant Professor | Department of Entomology

Pesticide toxicology and risk assessment | E-mail: nkrish@umd.edu

Xuan (Anna) Li | Assistant Professor | Department of Psychology

Neural mechanisms of drug addiction | E-mail: annali@umd.edu

Sougata Roy

| Associate Professor

| Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Cell and Developmental Biology | E-mail: sougata@umd.edu

Joshua Singer | Professor | Department of Biology

Synaptic Transmission and Neural Circuits | E-mail: jhsinger@umd.edu

Sergei Sukharev | Professor


Department of Biology

Membrane protein structure and function, bacterial physiology | E-mail: sukharev@umd.edu

Lisa Taneyhill | Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Early embryonic patterning of the nervous system | E-mail: ltaney@umd.edu

Daniel Butts

| Associate Professor

| Department of Biology

Systems neuroscience, neuromodulation in olfactory circuits | E-mail: dab@umd.edu (NTBF)

Karen Carleton

| Associate Professor

| Department of Biology

Molecular genetics, evolution of sensory systems | E-mail: kcarleto@umd.edu

José Feijó

| Professor

| Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Development of integrated models of apical cell growth and morphogenesis | E-mail: jfeijo@umd.edu

Kenneth Frauwirth

| Senior Lecturer

| Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

T cell activation and peripheral tolerance mechanisms | E-mail: kfrauwir@umd.edu

Scott Juntti

| Assistant Professor

| Department of Biology

Social neuroscience | E-mail: sjuntti@umd.edu

Tom E. Porter | Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Neuroendocrine regulation of growth and metabolism | E-mail: teporter@umd.edu

Jonathan Simon | Professor | Department of

Biology / Electrical & Computer Engineering / Institute for Systems Research

Experimental & theoretical auditory neuroscience | E-mail: jzsimon@umd.edu

Colenso Speer | Assistant Professor | Department of Biology

Visual Circuit Development | E-mail: cspeer@umd.edu

Nishanth E. Sunny | Assistant Professor | Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Mitochondrial function and metabolism | E-mail: nsunny@umd.edu


Training with off-campus affiliate/adjunct faculty requires on-campus co-advisor.

Chi Hon Lee.jpg

Chi Hon Lee

| Investigator | National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development


Emeriti Faculty can serve on committees but not serve as primary or co-mentor. 

Marco Colombini

| Professor Emeritus | Department of Biology

Membrane Transport Phenomena | E-mail: colombini@umd.edu

Arthur Popper | Professor Emeritus | Department of Biology

Marine bio-acoustics | E-mail: apopper@umd.edu